For each of us, my wishes are many and heartfelt. I think I wish nearly the same things every year. And not just at Christmas!
Peace...the kind that brings your heart a seamless quietude and calm.
Hope...A sense of well-being and energizes your waking and your every movement, mixed with that feeling that the best is yet to come, that God is in His heaven, and all's right with the world. Cockeyed optimism? Well, maybe. But, at Holy Mass, when I say that I "believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen ... and the life of the world to come," what's not to hope for! (ref: Nicene Creed)
Love...more than anything, I wish you the blessing of loving and being loved. May true compassion become the order of the day.
Simple pleasures...a game of Pictionary or Scrabble that leaves you laughing until you cry, the taste of tiramisu, good books, wonderful music, hugs that last long enough to really feel them, the gift of a smile from another, "Merry Christmas!" yelled with gusto by a child, thoughtful/prayerful moments under a clear night sky.
I hope your Christmas is special this year and always, with new and old memories to fill your heart.
3 years ago