Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bead Journal Project 2010

Come join me (and many other bead artists)! Robin Atkins hosts a marvelous Bead Journal Project where you create a beaded journal page for each month next year.

I've watched from afar for a couple of years and now want to take the plunge. So interesting to see how beaders make thoughts and feelings and life events manifest in beaded works of art. Their sources of inspiration are as varied as the number of stars in the sky -- their muses, life's stuggles and joys, their interpretations of the archetype of a given month, you name it!

I can't wait to "play" in this new (to me) forum.

Robin's great blog:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Blog of a Friend

Nine years ago, I met Cathy at a crazy quilting class at John C. Campbell Folk School. Betty Pillsbury was our teacher. I'm glad to call both of these talented, smart, beautiful, and authentic women my friend!!

Cathy has a prize drawing on her blog. Now, this isn't a seen-one-seen-them-all blog. It's a delight to the eye. Cathy's sense of humor, her love of the art of CQ and collecting is obvious in her postings, and her charm is pervasive. She's sponsoring a give-away. I'd like to invite you to visit her blog: Enjoy!

Having mentioned Betty Pillsbury, you're in for a blog treat there, too! Check out her Web site as well and visit her gallery. Quite the accomplished artist and a marvelously gifted herbalist. Go to:

I'm glad to introduce you to these special blogs!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Feeling Groovy

This week was full of inspiration. Friends. Color. Art. Music (loading my iPod with goodness). Warming temperatures. Riding with the top down (and the heater on). A peaceful mind, but high energy. Tomorrow night, friends are coming for dinner -- a great time to try new recipes. Not sure why, but I always try them on friends first. I started reading two new books. Wrangled with some stacks of paper that threatened to take over my desk. Simple things. Good things.

Want a fun little quiz to create your own rainbow?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

This week at our Fiber Art Fusion meeting, we gave the Round Robin blocks back to the owner. I am thrilled no end with mine. The 11 women who worked on it during the last year added so many beads, buttons, machine and hand-stitching, glitter, and all kind of special effects. I LOVE the result. Great results can come from collaborative art!

Monday, January 26, 2009

2009 Out Of the Gate

Twenty-six days into the new month, the new year, and I haven't checked my birthday book. I just realized that I missed a really important one for a dear friend. Bad!

The flip side of this year is all of the new at my house. Little things. Simple pleasures.

I got an iPod for Christmas. I asked NOT to get one. Technology is a good thing -- as tools go. I like what they can do for us. But, I'm not a big fan of what they require of us. Learning how to load the iPod is a chore. My husband had it engraved, so I can't return it. That kind of "forced march" gets me going. Worse than futzing with technology, I hate to waste things. Particularly gifts. They represent the care another has for us. No little thing. Meanwhile, I have to labor long to load Mozart....

New furniture in my studio! A map chest and another little stacked set of drawers. Great news. Then came all of the making room and vacuuming and moving almost every ding-dong thing out there. It's beginning to take shape once again. And I can FEEL the organization on a cellular level. I can sense the absence of stuff formerly stacked on every surface and in bags and boxes all around me on the floor. I can think with greater clarity. Clearly enough to start another bead project (instead of finishing something already started).

I'm beading around a rather large raku face bead. This will be the sixth in a series of bead embroidered face cabochons. My idea for them will come out later this year -- possibly for the "Exploring Dimension" show for our Fiber Art Fusion group. A far-out dimensional piece, unlike any other I've created, is whirling around in my head. Shows, challenges, and even Round Robins are good for that. They cause us to think in fresh terms, to create with our best artistic selves -- wide awake and present.